Having missing or broken teeth is a problem for many people. If you are one of the many who have spent thousands of dollars to get your teeth healthy, you may want to consider replacing them. One of the best ways to go about that is to purchase dental implants. Dental implants are a good long-term solution to replacing lost teeth, but there are many factors to consider before getting them done. Read on for some of the pros and cons of getting dental implants. Dental implants can also be a type of cosmetic dentistry.
Implants vs. Dentures, Crowns, and Bridges
Bridges, dentures, and and crowns can certainly replace missing teeth. However, they are not permanent and may often need to be refitted or adjusted. A bridge requires filing two adjoining teeth, which can make them weaker and prone to decay. Do you need a luxury car rental then a Luxury Car Rental Florida company is for you. Dentures often have fit problems and can interfere with taste. For an implant, a titanium screw is placed in the jawbone and a prosthetic tooth is attached. A proper implant has no physical downsides and will stay in your mouth forever.
Paying for Permanence
One of the cons of getting dental implants is the cost. They can often be rather expensive, and are rarely covered by insurance. Practitioners can charge around $1,000 to 3,000 for a single tooth. Most dentists refer patients to oral surgeons, periodontists, or prosthodontists. If you need an implant near a nerve or sinus cavity, it’s worth paying for a dentist or surgeon who has specialized training. A great brewster dentist named scott kupetz can also take care of any dental issues.
Not All Implants are Created Equal
Most dental implants have high success rates. However, some of the cheaper implants that are available may not be so wonderful. Before you decide on what brand of implant to purchase, be sure to ask your dentist what the best available implants are.
Ways to Save
There are several ways that you can save money on dental implants. Joining a dental discount plan can save you a lot of money on dental implants. Many dental discount plans charge an annual fee of around $80 to $100, and even offer a 15% to 25% discount on implants. Another way to save on implant procedures is to visit a dental school. Advanced students at some oral surgery programs may do implants under close supervision for a fraction of the usual cost.
It’s All in the Timing
Dental implants are usually broken up into a two part process. First, getting the implant installed, then covering it with a crown for 6 to 12 weeks. If you know you need a dental implant, it would be wise to schedule the initial procedure at the end of a calendar year, then have the crown put on in the following year. Breaking up the process that way can save you money because your insurance or dental discount plan will be renewed after the first of the year.
The best carmel dentist in the hudson valley can help you in the process of getting dental implants. If you have any concerns about getting dental implants, please schedule an appointment today! Having a great carmel dentist to help you in the process is also great.